
A genuine customer Kailo Pain Patch Review

I was quite happy today to finally find what appears to be a genuine blogger’s review (and not a Kailo commercial / paid advertising post) about the Kailo pain relief patch. Choices in Childbirth have posted a review of Kailo on their website.

If you’re looking for an interesting read about this product, I’d recommend to have a read of their Kailo pain relief review.

Yet again, I ask the makers of Kailo, nCap and Signal Relief pain patches to put their products into a double blind clinical trial to show the evidence that they actually work, and are not simply using the placebo effect.

2 replies on “A genuine customer Kailo Pain Patch Review”

The link doesn’t work. Is there an alternate?
I’m here because my 81 year old father wants to try a patch and I’m collecting info to evaluate. The recent marketing push is intense and prolific! I’m very skeptical of the patch and associated claims, yet I still have to convince father. 🙂

Unfortunately, it looks like their whole website is gone! 😔 I tried looking it up in the wayback machine archive, But that article wasn’t saved either, sadly.

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