
Is Kailo Pain Relief a Scam?

Is Kailo Pain Relief a Scam? Let’s take a look….


Author’s note: Kailo Pain Relief patches are not associated with either Kailo Medical or Kailo Medispa. Please don’t contact or harass these unaffiliated legitimate businesses!


Kailo Pain Relief Looks Like a Clear Scam
Kailo Pain Relief appears to be a complete scam – just a “snake oil” product with slick marketing.

Kailo is another new crowdfunding product on indiegogo, that to date has raised over an astonishing $2,000,000 AUD.

Advertised as “The Future of Pain Relief“, Kailo is sold as a miraculous pain-relief solution that you don’t need to eat, don’t need to touch, and that doesn’t require batteries – and yet never runs out. They claim that it is a “nanotech bio-antenna that interacts with electrical signals in your body, naturally relieving pain.”

While these are certainly astonishing claims, amazing claims require extraordinary proof, and here is where things start to get concerning. While Kailo has been promoted on other websites, to date, I have not found anyone on the internet actually examining and critiquing their specific claims.

How does Kailo Work?

Now, Kailo have a section on their main product page titled “So, how does it work?“. Let’s take a look at what they say:

Kailo interacts with the body’s electrical system. Each Kailo contains a patented array of nanocapacitors that work as a bio antenna, assisting the body in clear communication to turn down the volume on your pain.

Ok – there is a lot there that is “sciencey-sounding”, perhaps enough to almost be believable. Let’s break down the bogus:

  1. “Kailo interacts with the body’s electrical system“.
    All electrical systems need to have a conductive pathway to work – this means that for any device to have any effect on the body’s electrical system, it must be touching the body.  Kailo does not require contact with the skin, so how can it interact with the body’s electrical system?
    Secondly, for any device to operate, it requires a power source. This could be a battery, a solar panel, a piezeelectric element – there’s a range of different options. Kailo has no power source! An example of a different pain-relief system that does interact with the body’s electrical system is Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which actually does work for muscle pain. Unlike Kailo, TENS requires contact with the skin, and requires a power source like batteries in order to operate.
  2. Each Kailo contains a patented array of nanocapacitors
    Now, this part could be true – I have not tested Kailo, but even so it is completely irrelevant! There is no evidence that nanocapacitors alone can cause pain relief. At the bottom of the Kailo homepage, is the text: “Kailo licenses technology from nCAP technologies.”. When you lookup nCap technology, you find a link to “nCap Medical“, which in turn links to “nCap Pain Relief“. You will see – nCAP Pain Relief looks like the same kind of product as Kailo! It turns out, nCAP also had a kickstarter. If you visit the nCap medical page, there is a section by the supposed inventor, “Rhett Spencer”. When you lookup patents by nCAP technologies, you will find that they do indeed hold a patent by Rhett Spencer – you can see it for yourself, it’s this one. However, the nCAP patent has nothing at all in it about pain-relief! Irrelevant patents hold no significance as proof. Remember, a patent alone means nothing – you don’t need to prove something works in order to get a patent. In other words, having a patent does not mean that your product works. I can patent the lightsaber if I wanted too, but I don’t need to show anybody proof that it actually works.
  3. nanocapacitors that work as a bio-antenna
    Lets first talk about “nano-capacitors”. Nano-capacitors are nothing inherently special – Kailo is supposedly coated with nano-particles where each particle can act as a capacitor. What happens when you combine millions of nano-capacitors? You get one normal capacitor.  We’ve had capacitors around for decades, and no-one has yet found a way to use capacitors by themself for pain relief.
    Next, while capacitors can certainly be used as part of an antenna design, an antenna alone does nothing – you need other components as well. Antenna’s can receive or transmit signals, but received signals are always far, far weaker than transmitted signals from direct contact. Yes, technology exists to pickup nerve signals on our skin – but even with today’s highly-sensitive electronics, these nerve signals are still incredibly faint even when in direct contact with the skin, while Kailo claims it even works through layers of clothing.
  4. bio-antenna, assisting the body in clear communication to turn down the volume on your pain
    This is again just faux-medical waffle. There is no such thing about reducing pain by increasing clear communication. Pain-relief typically works by blocking communication transmitters or receptor points to prevent pain signals being transmitted, which is the complete opposite of what Kailo is claiming.
    Secondly, there is no information about what kind of signals the Kailo antenna is supposedly receiving. We don’t yet know how to detect the difference between nerve signals for pain, and nerve signals for information like touch or temperature. Even if (big if!) Kailo affected pain signals, it would also be likely to affect other signals. This is probably a good thing – if Kailo really worked, then holding Kailo near your head could be dangerous as it could affect the billions of nerves and signals in the brain!
    Finally, while antennas can certainly be used to both receive and send signals, for a new signal to be emitted from an antenna requires having an amplifier – which would require power to operate.  There are no claims about Kailo amplifying any signals, and Kailo apparently does not require power. There is no explanation provided about how the Kailo patch could possibly send any signal that affects the body, without needing a power source.

Overall, Kailo have a fancy sounding paragraph, but in reality they do not explain how their product actually works. In summary, there is no credible proof offered for how this product works.


So if the product is so bogus, why does it seem to be working at all for some people?

For starters, if you look at the customer questions on Indiegogo, it is clear that for many people it does not work at all. But why does it work for some?

Welcome to the Placebo effect – this is a well-known and well understood yet curious phenomenon, that about 1/3 of people who believe that something will help their symptoms, find that that it helps them! Even for fake devices, all it takes is for the people to believe that it works, and their brain will change it. For example, if I told you that eating a sugar cube, followed by a salt cube would reduce your pain, and you actually believed my claims, there is a good chance you you might actually find a reduction in pain! Even people who are sceptical, may unconciously be susceptible to the placebo effect. In scientific studies we design tests specifically to avoid the placebo effect using placebo product (non-functional) control groups, to compare against results from the product being tested.

Who is behind Kailo?

Kailo was founded by Stuart Mugleston Fetzer in Feb 2018. He is a material science engineer (just like myself!) from the University of Utah (not like myself). Stuart professes to have an active faith (like myself) and is an active member of the Church of Latter-day Saints (not like myself), and he teaches adult religion classes at Brigham Young University. He lives in Sandy, Utah with his family, where he runs a number of other businesses alongside Kailo (aka – Pain Relief Technologies LLC), including High Line Funds LLC. It is unclear what the connection is with nCAP (the antenna patent owner, run by Rhett F Spencer & Anthony J Sutera), other than they are both operated in Utah and appear to also be LDS members.


Having pain sucks.  In my opinion, Kailo looks 100% like a scam, and I recommend you save your dollars. Talk to your doctor about other options.

Congrats, Stuart.

UPDATE (feb 2020): I bought a Kailo so you don’t have to.

See my review!



Postscript: other things I missed:

  • Their promo youtube video at the start of the indiegogo campaign only has less than 20,000 views (19,286 as of 5/11/19), but yet they have 9,835 backers? Something fishy here!
  • The “coach” in their kailo promo video is Bart Johnson, an actor.
  • Kailo tried to provide a more detailed explanation of how it works on facebook – just as bogus, and I note that they mis-spelled anesthetic. They talk about healing, but as mentioned below, they admit that Kailo is certainly not any kind of cure.
  • Kailo was launched on Kickstarter, but for some undisclosed reason they have moved to indiegogo.


Kailo is not a cure

This is important. If Kailo was advertised to cure or treat any medical condition, Kailo would be in deep doo-doo with the FDA. This is why they are very careful to clarifiy that Kailo is not a cure.



Kailo Reviews and Testimonials



133 replies on “Is Kailo Pain Relief a Scam?”

Just bought you a chai!

It’s a thank you for snapping me back to my senses with questions of science, and maybe just some common sense, regarding the Kailo pain device.

Pain is a great motivator. It makes one desperate after a while. So, in spite of my skepticism, I was seriously considering purchasing the device in hopes that there really was “new” technology for relieving the back and hip pain I have been suffering for over three years. After all, like the testimonials on the crowdfunding and Kailo web sites, I have tried just about everything else to alleviate my pain.

Then, I found the link to your comments/responses at the bottom of nerdtechy’s review of the device (which seems, in retrospect, an awful lot like a paid product placement). And, I was saved…from my self!

After reviewing and appreciating your questions asked and answers provided, just like that, #poof#, their marketing spell was broken. Glad I found your page.

Thank you.


Dear Maggie,

Thank you for taking the time to comment, and also for your kind gesture. At first after seeing your comment I had a lot of joy, realising that this post might have helped one less person get ripped off.

At the same time I am also reminded that like many I know, you probably have long-term pains, and it is disappointing that currently there is no magic bullet that I have to offer in alternative.

I wish you well, and hope that science can continue to advance and help us to discover real lasting options for pain relief.

God bless,


My first question after does this really work was: what is the impact on the body if I ignore chronic pain? The guy with the torn ACL in the ad could risk further injury if he does indeed not allow his ACL to heal and uses his leg more because the pain is gone. But, with all these reviews…why bother trying it. Thanks.


I have found that tens units work a bit. I have nerve damage, had neck surgery, besides pain meds I use my tend unit and it does make a big difference, it dosent stop the pain but it makes it barrable. Also my hubby had kidney stones for a year and it helped him as well he couldn’t get out of bed without it on. Hope this helps.


Tens units basically turn off your muscles . for instance when you get sciatic pain in your lower back its because you’re muscles start cramping and the two muscles smash that nerve and hence the pain . Didn’t know Tins unit worked for stones. good to hear for many.


Find a good classical homeopath! Homeopathy has been around hundreds of years, 100% safe, no side effects, no contradications, never a recall or death from it like all the conventional toxic drugs the FDA pushes through bc it’s owned by big pharma. Many Thousands of documented cases (there’d be many millions of documented cases but the average person and practitioner doesn’t write about these) and many many studies not to mention millions of people finding cure etc throughout few hundred years on how it’s cured everything……. and it’s not a dependent modality like everything else out there, including all the other natural alternative choices. Safe, effective, affordable and a eco friendly medicine!
I appreciated your review, def. won’t be wasting any money on kailo. I was just curious about it. Too bad so many scammers out there. Peace and Gratitude to you!


@Jai – I debated whether I would allow your comment or not, as I could not decide if you are trolling or not. With respect, homeopathy has been broadly debunked elsewhere. I do not wish to enter into discussions of alternatives to Kailo, as that is both irresponsible from a clinical perspective (one thing does not cure all) and likely to distract from the topic of the article and derail the conversation.


I backed Kailo. But being the sceptic that I am, I gave it to others around me who were suffering pain to experiment with, not myself. Out of eight people, one who had just had a major shoulder operation, another passing a kidney stone, another with crippling menstrual pains, everybody except one person was relieved. So just having cracked a rib, I decided it was my time to have a go. Cracked ribs are supposed to take between 3 and 6 weeks for the pain to die down. I’m in my 9th day and the difference is amazing. So in my opinion, if you are in serious pain, you’ll try anything. If it doesn’t work for you, send it back but at least see if it helps, just because anything is worth a try.


Hi Lesley, thanks for sharing your experiences, and I am of course always glad if someone has found a solution for their pain. The problem is – you’ve proved nothing, and you certainly have not proven that it is not a placebo effect. Lets imagine, if you did the same thing with a regular playing card, and everybody had the same response, would you start selling playing cards for $119 as “healing pads”? There is zero evidence that Kailo actually does anything at all, and the claims that Kailo make are farcical and unsubstantiated.

if you are in serious pain, you’ll try anything…

I agree, and that makes people vulnerable to being suckered.

..because anything is worth a try.

Here, I completely disagree.

I understand just how desperate people may be to find pain relief – but this is exactly the psychology that Kailo is preying on. Show their fantasy claims to any doctor, and see what they say. If my article has not convinced you 100% that the “science” they claim is bogus, then just ask yourself as the devils advocate: if this really worked, then:
(a) why does it clearly not work for everybody
(b) why hasn’t it spread like wildfire?
(c) Why is my blog one of the less than 10 websites on the entire internet that have mentioned it?
(d) Why are there no scientific studies published (credible or otherwise!)
(e) Why did nCap license to Kailo, when nCap already tried to launch the exact same fake scam product and only sold $15,000 of nCap pain relief pads?

An ounce of skepticism will be better than a pound of Kailo snake oil sheets.


Indiegogo is a crowd-funding platform that helps all sorts of small businesses, product designers, artists etc who have an idea and want to get it up and running. They offer perks that you can purchase heavily discounted before what ever it is, hits the market. I bought two Kailo patches right at the very beginning. I now, personally, have 6 of them for the use of the family. We all use them. Lesley K


I work in this kind of tech. Im not working in Kailo.
-Yes, there are studies
-Yes, this is all known by science Long ago
-Yes, it works but every body and pain is different

why that stupid explanation?
1.They try to protect their technology
2.They try to sell a product, not giving physics lessons.

About placebo
.For placebo to work you need to believe it works, if you are negative about something you get negative placebo. So before stating “is placebo” you need to messure people “state of believe” first.
In any case, if something seems to work and you dont know why, science needs to make experiments and not just fall into the easy lazy non-answer, “that is placebo”. Science starts with “i dont know how it works, LETS FIND OUT” if you are a ego driven being that need to look like you know everything, then you know SHIT…


Not sure why you think I am “ego driven”? I’m more justice-driven.

I’m actually very willing to be proved wrong, and I enjoy a robust discussion based on the facts. For this case, it would be better for everybody if I was wrong. It would be amazing if Kailo really worked, and it was something I could recommend to many people. But I feel strongly compelled to call out SCAMS when I see them and no-one else is! Kailo’s runaway success has not once been questioned, so I felt that someone had to do it?

Would you care to provide a link to a single scientific study showing a similar product or method as Kailo actually working (i.e. not just placebo effect)? Needs to be something that doesn’t require power to run, and doesn’t need to touch the skin – those are the claims that Kailo makes.

I’m glad that you acknowledge that their explanations are “stupid”. I have issues with your other points though:

1. Patents protect technology, and Kailo claims to be protected by patents. On Kailo they print “PATENT PROTECTED”, but they have not printed the patent numbers on the product like other patent protected products typically do. NCAP does have patents – but they are only about antenna technology, and not pain relief. I could clone Kailo tomorrow and as long as I give it a different name (Kailo name is trademarked) they could not do a thing.

2. Right, and making false claims can land you in a lot of hot water under consumer deception laws. Plus, giving false explanations is not a good look. Reveal one lie, and you know the person is a liar. Change my mind.

Regarding Placebo, technically, you do NOT need to believe something works or doesn’t work for a Placebo effect to occur. Even the simple act of mentally focusing on a body region to see if you can feel pain, can influence pain levels – this is a technique often used in body scan meditation that some people fine helps. There’s lots of other ways that placebo effect could be triggered too, by stimuli (e.g. sticking something on your skin) or even the absence of stimuli (e.g. sitting very very still).

I don’t think you’re familiar with the scientific method – it requires a falsifiable hypothesis that can be scientifically tested. Until Kailo gives us a hypothesis that can be tested (that I could replicate and test without buying a Kailo), or, if they offer independent double-blind clinical trial results, then I’m pretty free to call them snake oil. 🙂

I don’t own a Kailo, and I don’t plan to give them a cent of my money. The purpose of this article is to clearly show that their claims of about how Kailo works do not hold water!



-No one have to prove you wrong, you do.
-Question is different than denial without knowledge.
-I do have the studies(mant), i dont going to show them.
-Copy the tech, everybody does.Patent dont protect, is the money spent in lawsuits.
-Consumers, as you do, know nothing about physics, full explantion just going to confuse them more.People buy by heart, not by logic.
I did not say the explanation was false, just not explained with exact science terms.
-Placebo can be positive and negative…for sure.
-You already have your hypothesis, prove your self wrong.Copy the patent, make the experiment.

I repeat, they are the competente, and i know exactly what they do, and i dont want to help them. BUT… the truth is it may work in many cases, for sure not all of them.
They should say it…but public just dont care, and even more, they dont want to know.


I could easily copy Kailo. I work in a material science lab and analysis of materials is what we do. I would not be sued as there is nothing against copying technology that has not been patented. Copyright protects creative works, patents protect inventions.

> Consumers, as you do, know nothing about physics, a full explanation is just going to confuse them more. People buy by their heart, not by logic.

That is true, which is why as a material scientist, I thought I should add some of my opinion for any people who care if the Kailo science claims are bogus or not, from a scientific perspective. People are easily fooled by snake oil products.

> I did not say the explanation was false, just not explained with exact science terms.

Ok, well, I’d love to say “teach me” but you have already said you won’t share your secrets 🙂

> Copy the patent, make the experiment.

There is no patent for Kailo pain relief! That is my point of my article!


So you have the know how, the equipment and people that dont want their Kalios…but instead of creating real knowledge you decide to just Scream Scam! senseless.


I love your fighting spirit. You’re honestly criticizing me for not sending my hard earned money to a scam group? After we both agree they have provided no believable explanation, and provided no clinical evidence? OK LOL.

Perhaps my goal is to encourage people to not get suckered by desperation and hope – if it’s too good to be true, make em prove it! Don’t rely on anecdotes and testimonials alone. I don’t need a single test tube to run that “sniff sniff smells like bull💩” test, because Kailo’s fake claims are easily debunked.


Just buy one and try it instead of trashing it online for the sake of your “blog”. Money back guarantee on both nCap and Kailo, if it doesn’t work for you get a refund. No harm no foul.


Hi Lisa,
I’m not sure if we’re both on the same page here.

Which part of my “blog” do you disagree with so far? The part where Kailo have still to date provided zero evidence? Or the part where their claims are ridiculous?

Are you suggesting that if I bought one and tested it, that you would believe my test results?

Let’s say, hypothetically, that it turns out it doesn’t work, and I prove it – would you be persuaded?

Edit (6th march): I bought a Kailo last month. Tried it. Doesn’t work. Returned it. Got a refund.


Kailo freely admits these work on 86% of those that have tried them, not a guarantee that you will be one of those. I do suffer with chronic pain and have several Kailo patches that have helped tremendously with managing my pain. I had been fooled several times by the “snake oils” out there and have spent THOUSANDS of dollars seeking relief. I tried the Kailo with no expectations after so many failed attempts at relief and was shocked at the results. Point being, there was no basis for a placebo effect. Kailo helped me get back to work and has given me the chance to enjoy life again. All of the “remedies” that have double blind testing and clinical trials have done nothing for me. Luckily, I didn’t suffer liver damage waiting for the pharmaceuticals to work. Bottom line for me is Kailo and nCap offer a non-invasive, nontoxic pain reliever that WORKS. Truth is, you never know until you try, so bashing these companies and calling it a “review” when you don’t even try the product is misleading at best. It is unfortunate, in this case, that your readers could be missing out on the pain relief they have been seeking.


Hmm… yes… don’t acknowledge anything I said…

“No basis for the placebo effect” … sorry, are you kidding me? 😆

If products tested by rigorous studies are not working for you, that could suggest that perhaps they are not suitable for your condition?

I wasn’t intending to write a review – but on second thoughts I guess it is a review – a review of their claims and their evidence. Or perhaps it would better to call this a critical evaluation.

Now Lisa – I’m not about to tell you to stop using Kailo. In fact, I have no problem with people buying Kailo! I just want people to know the TRUTH about the claims, and to be aware that the placebo effect is STRONG – and that may be enough for some people! I understand that pain sucks, and some people are desperate and will try literally anything, even when it doesn’t make sense. I personally prefer evidence based medicine, and I want to bring the truth about Kailo to light.

I wish you nothing but the best. Here’s hoping our science of pain relief continues to advance.


Whether it actually works for some or not and the reason why it might, bottom line is it’s still a BANDAID and a very expensive one at that.
The body is designed to heal itself and that’s all it’s constantly doing, 1000’s of reactions and processes per second, trying to maintain homeostasis (keep coming into balance) which is its only job.
Cure does not mean a temp fix, that is only palliation, which is what most things do.


I strongly doubt they would refund me if it doesn’t work. Would take that $119USD bet if you were in my shoes?

Edit (6th march): I bought a Kailo last month from Amazon. Tried it. Doesn’t work. Returned it. Got a refund. Still don’t recommend it obviously!


That’s my concern with trying it. I’ve read people can’t get refunds and I’m not ok with that. Otherwise, I’d at least play with it. I have chronic pain in my neck and head from intracranial hypertension and even if it were placebo, I’d be perfectly happy if it helped. But I’m not about to be out 100 bucks.


Your review, or not-review if people want to argue, presents a lot of the same issues I saw with the whole concept, and I was glad to see someone put them out there in a well thought out discussion. The people calling you names and saying you need to try it sound suspiciously like hired thugs to me – people sent out to discourage any negative reviews of the product.

Amazon sells them (third party), so you have a better chance of getting your money back, but from what I read you still have to pay shipping both ways. And the reviews on Amazon are definitely less than 85% positive 😉


I don’t know how it works, quite honestly I don’t care how. It does work and so much so I have gone from crying on the floor in the middle of Walmart to now forgetting at times I have sciatic pain. My Chiro couldn’t fix it and my masseuse was awesome but it did not fix anything long term. It gets hot almost instantly. I have no idea why or what is does but when I take it off it’s worse but not as much as before I started. I don’t wear it to bed. Every morning it’s the same. It goes from a 8 to 1/2 in less than a minute. I can tell that you must get it in a spot between where the pain is and the receptors that control those nerves so sometimes I need to adjust it. For muscle pain and nerve pain it works for me. Please don’t review something and call it bunk without trying it. I’ve been a MH therapist for 27 yrs and I understand the placebo effect. I don’t think it is but even if it was it works fabulously!


Thanks for exposing these scam artists for what they are. They are preying on weak minded people that are desperate for relieve. Reminds me of my experience near the Mexican border in San Diego. Buses would pull up to the hotel and load up with cancer patients and then take them down to the “Clinic” for Laetrile or other “treatments”. Getting rich on others misery. Morally bankrupt people. Snake oil salesmen is being generous. Desperate people. Sad but just people preying on the vulnerable. Keep it up.


“Posterity will one day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophers.”

Louis Pasteur


Why don’t you just try it? I am generally a big believer in science. , But it would seem like the fair thing to do.


My only comment is if I go to review a product I want the reviewer to have used the product. If they have not it is frustrating and does not give me the first hand data that I need.


I agree with you – however, I did not claim this is a review.

However, I have not seen anyone criticise Nerdtechy’s article on Kailo – his is labelled as a “review” and yet he has shown no evidence that he has tried or even held Kailo in his hands. The photos are all stock photos from Kailo, and he does not give any personal experience in his review.

Now, I previously said that “I’m not giving a cent to snake oil vendors, until they produce some credible evidence”. I am not ready to say more at this point, but let’s just say that my perspective has changed on that stance – watch this space.


It’s a scam, it got me fooled 🙁
I have terrible pain from a disc hernia, and hoped this „new“ tech patch would help.
Of course it did not help…
did anyone manage to get a refund?


I wrote them an email to their support email address, and got an answer within 30 minutes. Sofar so good.
However, as I mentioned below, I will give it a shot for another 7 days straight wearing the patch 24hrs, and see how that goes.

Thats the kind of places where this tech seems not to work, because it takes way more time.
Thats the problem with giving fake explanations, people get fake expectations of work. With my clients in cases like yours the minimal use to see recovery is at least 7-10 days 24 h a day.
Also try some yoga to realise some pressure from the area, if it is not too painfull.
Dont use it how they say, use it over the broken disc.
One more problem with that design is that it is too small, so it will not work in bigger areas, which is needed to relax the muscles around the problem
Follow my advice, if you dont get better go for the unlikely refund.



Thanks so much for your advice, much appreciated! I will definitely try it out as you said.

And regarding refund: I wrote them an email, and got a reply within 30 minutes. So support was great in that. But I will try it out for 7days straight.


Here’s a better idea – don’t use it. It’s hoodoo snake oil.

You claimed in another post that there are studies backing it up. Where are they? Provide links, please.


Thank you for saving me the money. Sounds like this product is like saying “aspirin cures cancer”. To a degree, some will find relief, some will have a little bit of comfort and ‘cure’ for awhile, some will have no change, and some won’t believe it at all. No matter how you try to warn folks, they’ll still take that aspirin!


I had back surgery several years ago and I’m not willing to go through surgery again right away. After a friend had good results with a Kailo, I ordered one and tried it last night. I put it in different areas and within seconds felt the small tingling similar to a tens unit at a low setting tonight I got brave and picked a spot to try it on above the area that’s painful. I’m hoping this will get me through the holidays, because anytime I stand more than a minute or two I have to go sit down or otherwise I’m sweating with pain. I’m excited because I do feel some thing and I’m hoping it works for me. Thank you for the new technology


Faith, I’m glad it is giving you some relief. Do you experience the same tingles when it is not physically touching your skin? Because Kailo says it works through clothing. From their FAQ page:

“Kailo is an innovative, non-transdermal technology that looks and acts like a patch. Kailo can be placed directly on the skin, or over lightweight clothing or placement accessories. Kailo does not have to touch the skin to be effective.”

Do you find the same relief when it is not touching you skin?

I have tried Kailo in at least 18 people because I’m interested in selling it where I live. These were people totally unknown by me. They came to me because I asked in a Facebook group whose suffered chronic pain. The analysis made by this web page is totally misleading one could say even product of envy. I saw incredible results like a person with sciatica for 6 years that within 30 minutes was feeling like before his illness. Results he couldnt reach even after visiting so many doctors. If placebo is the case why the doctors and their drugs didn’t work? I saw young and old people find relief. In some 100% relief in other 80% and yes in some it didnt work at all. It depends on the type of pain and in the placement in the body. They even offer money back guarantee so why not giving yourself a chance?


Comments like yours are proving my point about people being easily duped! You attack my integrity, but completely ignore what I say! Please, list one part on my page that is misleading?

I am fully aware that Kailo CAN provide relief for SOME people. This is entirely possible via the PLACEBO effect, BUT it does not mean that Kailo does anything more than a sheet of paper.

I’m not giving a cent to snake oil vendors, until they produce some credible evidence.


I don’t know what he disbelieves until he tries for himself. For my cracked ribs it was so incredibly pain relieving immediately I’m a true believer.


I’m happy for you Lesley that you’ve found some relief! But, I’m going to continue to warn people that this device is a scam, and that it is simply the placebo effect that is providing relief for some people. I’m not interested in “just believing”, I’m interested in double blind clinical trials powered by science. 👨‍🔬🤷‍♂️


Do you honestly believe that the excruciating pain of broken ribs can be reduced by anything which is a placebo? I took no ibuprofen or pain relievers and yet Kailo helped alleviate the problem. Have you tried it for yourself ?


Yes I do believe it is possible. No, I have not tried it personally, because I don’t want to support scams financially. I have heard of several people who did not get their money back.


It’s impossible to argue with someone that is already biased. Just an example chemotherapy drugs that are made big name laboratories and scientists. Most of them do some effect and sometimes cure cancer but most of the times people die. Is that because the placebo effect that some people is cured? No of course, is because scientists don’t really understand how cancer works. It’s the same here, kailo was discovered by accident, the scientists behind this were looking for something different and suddenly they found that this particular nanotech provided relief. When you categorically affirm that it’s a scam and disregard comments from people that actually use and benefit from Kailo calling them a result of placebo you are not doing any good to people that could benefit from this discovery. Actually is very arrogant to call people that actually use and benefit from Kailo ignorant people that are fooled by the placebo effect. Maybe the people that get cured from cancer is because the placebo effect and not because chemotherapy really cures cancer. A product like Kailo is worth trying. They actually refund you if it doesn’t provide relief. What is there to loose?


Yes, I’m biased because I’m demanding Kailo produce scientific evidence for their claims. Clearly, I’m the unreasonable one.

This isn’t rocket science – exactly how it works is actually irrelevant – Kailo have made bold claims, and I’m simply demanding credible proof beyond anecdotes.

As for your suggestions that the Placebo Effect is a reason to try Kailo? Right… and I’m sure that Kailo will advertise the placebo effect on their website too.

Good thing you have no conflict of interest in this discussion. Oh, wait… aren’t you the one who said you were interested in selling Kailo?

People who buy Kailo are often desperate people in severe pain. That makes them very vulnerable to anybody claiming to offer a solution. I’ve been reasonably careful with the words I use, and I try not to put the blame on customers — I don’t consider them ignorant, I think they have been fooled or duped by Kailo’s claims; I think they are victims of Kailo.


Just my last comment. It’s Christmas and it’s time of peace and love and not arguing. Precisely because I want to resell Kailo I did this research and tried it in many people that I didn’t even knew. Here I don’t sell online I sell face to face and the least I want is to fool someone by taking advantage of their pain. By the contrary my goal is to help people find relief wouldn’t you be interested in that too? Merry Christmas.


Dear Mauricio,

I have done my best to point out the numerous red flags that I see with Kailo. I leave it up the reader to decide their course of action. I too wish you a merry Christmas. May the science of pain relief continue to progress.



4. “bio-antenna, assisting the body in clear communication to turn down the volume on your pain“
This is again just faux-medical waffle. There is no such thing about reducing pain by increasing clear communication. Pain-relief typically works by blocking communication transmitters or receptor points to prevent pain signals being transmitted, which is the complete opposite of what Kailo is claiming.
Having lived with severe pain due to nerve damage caused by crushed discs (Severe herniations), I completely agree with what you have said. If you increase the signal from the damaged nerves then you will increase the pain. I do use a TENS unit to block the signal and that works. I also had a fairly new procedure called “Nerve Ablation” where they burn the nerve sheath (The outer layer) which stops communication completely and that stopped the pain in my head that I have had for 32 years. The nerve sheath will grow back but the can burn it again. It lasts 1-2 years so it’s a great alternative for nerve pain. It is limited to areas where the nerve is not needed for strength or to make a muscle move. So it stopped pain in my head but can’t be used for the pain going down to my shoulder and arm. But since my head bothered me more that the other areas it has greatly improved my quality of life. Your arguments are all valid so keep it up and ignore the insults. You haven’t said anything to offend anyone so only someone with no valid argument would resort to insult. Keep it up.


Wow, that’s incredible – I’ll be honest, this whole topic of pain and pain relief has been very interesting to learn a little about.


It’s still just an expensive bandaid!
You can get temp relief from a sauna, a hot water bottle, a topical and many other things……etc but it’s not a cure, it’s just TEMP relief.
So, unless you followed these people for atlst a few weeks or months after they tried the patch one time and supposedly found some temp relief, you’re findings prove nothing about the efficacy of kailo. You can put anything on any area and Esp. If the nerves are all jacked up bc of pain, anyone is bound to feel tingly bc you’re stimulating nerves,which can be done very easily with anything and again, esp. if they’re all inflamed and pain is present. This is all a no brainer and just how the body works.


My view is that if it is just the placebo effect, then more power to the people who find that relief. Maybe they are out one hundred bucks. But But one hundred bucks might not be a lot to pay. If you have chronic pain. There is no argument that the placebo effect is, indeed, true and verifiable. But if there is no harmless intervention And relief is obtained. One might argue that the placebo effect is the best. Course of action!


Disclaimer – I am a new distributor of the nCap product in Canada.

Here’s my (point form) quick story on the Kailo product.
* Wife sent me a link to the facebook ad talking about Kailo
* I’ve had back pain for 40 years (progressively getting worse as I age
* Tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked (I’d be happy with a placebo effect but nothing)
* Purchased the Kailo and the first morning I woke up after having it on over night was incredible. Thought no way this was just a fluke so tried it the next night.
* Again woke up with no pain at all. Should stress at this point that the tightness was still there and I could not all of a sudden bend and do things I haven’t been able to do for decades, but 98% of the pain was gone
* That day I did a lot of lifting and I could feel pain developing in my lower back. Obviously the patch was no match for me overworking my back
* Next morning woke up quite stiff and feeling the pain
* Researched the Kailo and discovered nCap and researched them. No scientific studies to prove that it works but the owner of the company was easy to get a hold of and we talked for a long time about the product and how it was discovered to offer pain relief when it was never designed to do that
* Totally understood it doesn’t work for everyone, that it was not a cure, remedy or fix and that it was strictly something that helped manage the constant nagging, all consuming pain I had for the last 40 years
* Was so sold on the product I became a distributor on day 4 (which by the way I woke up with practically no pain) and bought a ton of the product from nCap for sale up here in Canada

I have numerous people who swear by it and I have numerous people who say it does nothing for them. Is it the placebo effect in action? I have no idea as there are no studies to prove or disprove that theory. Could it actually be doing what they claim it is supposed to do…. Yes of course it could be. The first time someone came up with Ibuprofen I am sure it worked before the scientific studies were completed.

Why then is this labeled a scam and sold by snake oil sales people. I would think a far better response would have been more along the lines of ….

This product has no scientific studies to back up the claims made. Many people have had amazing results using this product but also many people have not. The product may and may not work for you and extreme caution should be exercised with your money before parting with it.

I am not sure about Kailo and their return policy but nCap has a 37 day policy which will give you tons of time to see if it works for you and if it doesn’t then you get your money back.

You are right in letting people know that there is a concern with this product but to outright say it is a scam and does not work I think is wrong and will prevent a lot of people from trying it and possibly having their lives changed.

Merry Christmas everyone!


I say scam carefully – because they make specific claims which don’t hold water. If they want to update their marketing to say “powered by placebo effect and/or we have no idea how it works” I’ll update my article. But if they make claims, they deserve close scrutiny.

Ok – devils advocate. Let’s say it really does work, and let’s imagine it’s not the placebo effect. Why are there no studies out on it? How easy would it be to simply organise some studies to show it works? $2M in sales would be insignificant compared to the potential worldwide market for a pain relief tool, that requires no drugs, even if it only worked on 1 in 10 people. Isn’t that the point of a kickstarter, to help do the required work to properly launch a product?

I’m sorry, but there’s far too much here that doesn’t add up. The Kailo team or nCap team are welcome to send me a free sample to try if they would like, but I can promise that the truth will be exposed conclusively and definitively, and I’m pretty sure they don’t want that.

My regret is that even though the placebo effect is psychological, and Kailo / nCap has scam written all over it, the placebo effect can offer some relief to some people. To those people I apologise – because I believe truth is always better than deception, 100% of the time.

Merry Christmas.


I agree that anyone who makes claims about how a product works (especially health wise) should be under scrutiny and you are right in questioning the validity of those claims.

Why Kailo never did any studies is beyond me and I was not aware of nCap doing a kickstarter at the beginning let alone knowing how much money was raised during that campaign to answer why they don’t have studies done on it.

I guess for that matter whose to say Kailo is not running a study in the background right now. I understand it’s not likely but is possible unless you have personally talked to the owners and confirmed this. I will be contacting Rhett at nCAP to enquire about this myself.

I am interested in how you will be able to prove conclusively and definitively that this product doesn’t work by having a sample to test. I could probably spare a patch or two for no cost if you could tell me how you plan on achieving these results.

I am disappointed about your belief that regardless of what helps someone they should be told it’s all in their head and that they are imagining it. Why rain on someone’s parade when it makes the person feel better about the situation. This of course is not saying I believe these patches are fake because I myself am a true believer regardless if I sold them or not.


I can see how I am totally raining on the parade, and for that I’m sorry. I don’t wish pain on anyone, but I don’t think selling patches that claim to work via one method, but in reality work by another, is fair. Medical devices need to pass strict regulations, and I don’t think Kailo / nCap deserves a free pass just because they are “trying to do good”.

I contacted Kailo enquiring about studies, and received this reply, back in late nov:

“Clinical studies – honestly, calls went into the clinics that asked to test for us weeks ago. It has been very frustrating waiting and we will make more specific testing contracts in our future dealings with clinics asking to test Kailo, they will include time limits. Right now we are finding that the clinics were happy to ask for free product, but not great on patient follow up or following the procedures they claimed to use.

We are working with a lab in Norway right now that began their testing at the beginning of October. I am hoping they will turn out to be more reliable in their reporting.

If you want to check back with me next month, maybe I will have more news.

Have a happy Thanksgiving,

All I will say is, that they have updated their website numerous times in the last few weeks – but have added no scientific studies or additional evidence.

I am a researcher at a university, and I work in material science lab. I have access to a large range of tools for analysing materials, including composition and electrical properties.

I would also try some “n of 1” double blind pain relief tests with my family members (e.g.

Well AJ, if you can still spare a patch or two, I’d love to try them out for a true and honest review. I have lived in excruciating pain for over 20 years due to an automobile accident. The Kailo patch popped up on my screen today completely by surprise. As I started to look into it’s claims, I ended up here. I have tried everything and have no more money to throw at testing products that have proved to provide no relief. But, I’, willing to try, if you’re willing to provide free samples. You can reach me at Look forward to hearing from you.

And, a big thank you to you Sam for writing this article. Pain is overwhelming and can often cloud the better judgement part of the brain.


I’ve gotta say for me the most fishy thing is that this product has apparently been sent to thousands of ‘happy’ customers already, and doing a search on Youtube came up with quite literally ZERO product reviews for it whether positive or negative. The only videos that were showing up were the typical click-baity “TOP 10 AWESOME PRODUCTS YOU SHOULD BACK” and re-posts of the Indiegogo campaign video.

If this was somehow groundbreaking, you’d really think it would’ve exploded over the internet.

I totally agree – if Kailo really really worked, then the numbers don’t make sense – $2M is pennies for something like this. If Kailo or nCAP really did what they claimed to do, then you can imagine companies like Johnson & Johnson would be all over it, they would pay $50M+ USD in a blink for the invention — imagine, if every single band-aid in the future had a “Kailo” pain relief patch built in… Kailo would be a billion dollar business overnight.

On the flip side, personally I can’t figure out how it could be a profitable scam, the numbers don’t add up there either!
Surely the sales numbers from indiegogo are legit, and come from them and can’t be fudged — even if Kailo was simply backing themselves again and again to inflate the stats, the cut of that cost that goes to indiegogo must simply be huge. Surely indiegogo would automatically pickup fraud if they found that the % of “first time backers” was near 100% for Kailo, unlike all their other campaigns?

Some Quick maths:
The Indiegogo fee is 5%. Lets say $1M USD of the $1.5M USD is faked sales, by them backing their own campaign. 5% of $1M USD that would be a whopping $100K USD. The slick marketing, videos etc probably cost $25-100K USD – lets say $75K USD there too. Ok, so that leaves them with about 3500 real customers to date. Let’s say the cost of producing the kailo card is $10 (probably much, much less), and lets say each customer on average buys 1.5 sheets, and pays on average $210 USD plus shipping. That results in $53K of production costs, and $735,000 of revenue – plus $37K in indiegogo fees. Total net so far is $735K – $(100+75+53+37) = $470K USD profit

But then, remember, they claim to be offering refunds for people who find it “doesn’t work”. Lets say, 1 in 2 customers end up bothering to return the product and get a refund. That is 1750 refunds to do! That is a cost in sales of $210 x 1750 = approx $370K, leaving them with a measly $100K win, for a massive, and highly risky $175K upfront investment.

I’m glad I sleep soundly at night – because I imagine the Kailo team dread the day the FDA comes knocking on their door, or hypothetically the day one or two people sue them for selling snake oil… yikes.

My wife bought a couple for me for back pain. I told her she wasted her money because she got scammed. I knew they were a scam.
Then she stuck them on my back and lo and behold, pain dropped 50%. I was amazed.
I’ve been seeing doctors for 8 months about my back pain. These patches did more for me in one day than the darn docs did in 8 mos.


Kailo works is as simple as that. A friend of mine found relief for a 5 year old sciatica in 30 minutes. He even had to use a walking cane before. He went to many doctors and no one was able to do what Kailo did for him. He now feels absolutely normal.


The thing is Mauricio, it doesn’t – at least, not for everyone. So far, no one has been able to explain how it works for some people, any better than anyone has been able to explain why it doesn’t work for everybody. I’ve debunked the explanation that Kailo provided, and all the evidence (i.e. none) points to the placebo effect. “It works, it’s as simple as that” – is simply, untrue.


Thank you so much for de-bunking yet another ‘break-thru gadget’ that is trawling the internet. It is so easy to get drawn into this type of advertising when you are desperate for some pain relief.

Thank you Michelle. It’s so encouraging to get feedback. Wish you the very best as you look for pain relief options.

Thank you for your article. I have broken ribs and cracked sacrum and was about to buy it. After reading your article I’m glad I didn’t. What really decides it for me is that there is zero response from purchasers on the internet; no reviews good or bad. In this way it resembles many other scams. If it is genuine and they are pursuing lab tests, they will gain endorsement and go on to receive the success they seek and all will be well in the world. Thanks again!


Thanks Paul, I appreciate you taking the time to let me know that this article was helpful. Yes – if Kailo really worked, then it would be easy for them to offer more evidence or proof.

I hope things heal up soon for you – sounds like you’re in a whole world of pain at the moment. Best of luck!

With all due respect to Samuel what he is doing is preventing people from finding relief. Kailo or Ncap are not a scam and indeed offer a very true money back guarantee. Besides ego I don’t understand his fixation with attacking this pain relief alternative with the hate he does. Certainly Kailo doesn’t work equally on every person and in some people it doesn’t work but for many it is an incredible alternative to relief pain. When I see people thanking Samuel for having prevented them from buying Kialo or Ncap the only benefit I’d for his ego. We humans certainly want to draw attention and we have two ways one is trying to help people producing useful things and certainly there is an easier one which is criticizing everything to try to convince people that you are a great person and get attention. Kailo and Ncap choose to help people and Samuel choose not to create any innovation but to think he know everything about this without even trying one patch.


You know you’re getting under someone’s skin when they have no other response than “you’re an attention seeking, ego driven, unhelpful, innovation hater and your undisputed facts are hurting people”

Kailo is a placebo. Change my mind.


Mauricio, I agree. Kailo hasn’t made extravagant claims. I’ve seen ads for diet products that make outrageous promises and deliver no results, yet Sam chooses to repeatedly slam Kailo without trying it. Per “nanotechnology in medicine draws on the natural scale of biological phenomena”. Kailo offers this technology with no exact promise of relief and a money back guarantee. Because Kailo can’t define exactly how it works on pain, Sam beats them down. Speaking to the phenomena of Kailo, I see several posts from those that Kailo has helped in a non-invasive, nontoxic manner. I guess this must just be a mass placebo effect, according to Sam. Not knowing what Sam’s underlying interest is in keeping people in pain, perhaps he has ties to the pharma industry, which is good at keeping people in pain.


Thank you so much, I was seriously thinking of ordering this product because I have been in agonizing pain for over three years with knee pain. I have tried so many products and nothing seems to help, but when you have pain you hope that the next thing will give you some relief. I have spent so much already on useless things I started searching for reviews, glad I found yours.

When you’re in pain you will try anything … anything. Why are you stopping people from tryjng something that might work for them. Obviously you are not suffering from any pain yourself.


I’ve read all these posts with interest and hope that all have believed what they’ve written. The fact is that no two humans are the same – we respond to medicines differently, which is why there are so many downsides to every medical drug, and we respond to placebos differently too. This device may well work, or it may not – but some people at least seem to be getting some relief from using it.
A problem that seems to be forgotten in all this though, is that it doesn’t CURE anything – it simply (if it works at all) masks the condition and hides the pain. For me, I’d rather put up with some of the pain so that I know if the problem is getting better – or not. Many others may well want and need to alleviate their symptoms though, and if it works for them , great.
I guess you pay your money and take your choice – or not.


I wonder just how many of the positive ra ra ra posts on here are from P.R. outfits and the scammers them self. Anyone with even an IQ of 10 and a high school diploma can see this is a scam… but just like religion, scammers always get the gullible….


Acupuncture has apparently passed muster as successful for many individuals – even though the archaic explanation of its mechanism is obviously of no scientific value – it is just not at all understood. Just perhaps there is something like that going on here. I suffer arthritis AND shingles pain, but the reports about refund difficulties dissuade me from gambling $100 on this speculative treatment.

Acupuncture definitely does do something – it involves putting needles in your body!! Just because we don’t know how it works, doesn’t mean it is in the same category as Kailo. I agree with you on some points – I don’t believe that modern medicine has all the answers to everything at this stage, we’re continually learning new things. But, with the evidence that is available to us, it appears that kailo does nothing (beyond placebo) – so then there’s nothing about it that needs further understanding.

I would be perfectly satisfied if Kailo showed a study of its effectiveness at pain relief vs placebo. They don’t have to explain to us how it works, provided that they show sufficient evidence that it does work. Unfortunately, they have done the opposite – made easily disproved claims about how it works, without any evidence that it actually works at all.


Thank you for taking the time to show us the other side of this “nano non-sense” patch. Hopefully in the near future there really will be something like this, but they should be ashamed to scam people and cause more pain. Thanks again.

To all of you guys that criticize Kailo… I personally flew to Utah and met the founders and the factory and they are indeed very good and caring people trying to help folks in pain.

They have grown a lot but they are still not big so growing pains may make refunds take some time but believe me they won’t jeopardize their reputation for $100…also as several comments state they have raised a very good amount of funds… so do you think a scam will raise $2 million USD publicly on a well known site like indiegogo selling snake oil as you call it? It seem a bit pretentious to think that you know more than several thousand backers…

Kailo won’t work on everyone at least not instantaneously but believe me I have seen it in action and is wonderful to see it working.

You know? many times we look for people that think like us to justify our own fears… Hence if you come here a lot of people will agree with Samuel and complain about the product…

If you are in pain and nothing is working or you are tired of the side effects of strong pain killers then you certainly should give it a try. If you have a temporary pain that won’t last long and a regular pain killer is efettive then don’t consider Kailo but for people in chronic pain it can be a blessing.

Many time we feel better judging others just to justify ourselves…

Best and God bless you all.


Mike sorry to see that you don’t trust other people, not everything in life is money as I’m sure you know.. . As previously said, we human beings judge people to feel better with ourselves.

If you think I’m lying is up to you. If by any chance you are in pain then you are missing a good opportunity not to feel it. If you are just commenting for the sake of it then you may be preventing others from benefiting from this technology. God bless you.


Then there are people like myself who have spent more than 10 years in chronic pain. Who are disabled because of it and therefor on a fixed income. If they have raised so much money, then why the insane price sticker that someone like myself cannot afford to just pay for?
I would have to put it on a credit card and pay it over several months making it eventually cost me almost double thanks to interest fees.
And then to see people like myself whom it did not work for desperately waiting on a refund or even response from the company.
Growing pains are no excuse to leave people without so much as even a form letter style of email reply or at least a short call back to say we received your message and are working on your issue please be patient. But no, they are just ignoring everyone. Doesn’t instill any confidence in those of us geniunely looking into the product.


Disclaimer – I am a new nCap distributor in Canada.

(Kimber) There are not to many companies in this world that set their prices for a product based on the ability of someone on a small fixed income to afford. Most if not all companies price their products on what the market will bare. The price for these patches (if they work for you – if not then get a refund) is worth every penny.

I am confused though as first you say it is to expensive and that you would need to put it on your CC and pay it off over a few months (which in turn would cost you close to double the price).

FYI – $150 purchase at 25% interest with payments of $20/month would result in a grand total of $14.64 interest paid).

Then you claim it didn’t work for you and they are not giving you a refund and/or no one is responding to your inquiries about getting a refund?

What is it? Do you own one and they are ignoring you or are you just making this all up to vent some negative energy?

If they are ignoring you or refusing to give you a refund then that is completely wrong and not what I have seen in the past from them.


I dont understand why some people are critical of Sam’s stance with this product. Whether it works or not is almost irrelevant. The sellers say it works by Nanocapacitors interacting with electrical signals in your body which relieve pain naturally. Sam is quite correctly pointing out that they can not support this claim with any evidence so any pain improvement is more likely to be caused by the placebo effect. A product selling for $100 that relies on nothing more than the placebo effect is a scam. If I sold a magic wand, that I insisted gave pain relief to 86% of sufferers but could not provide any evidence of how it worked, people would rightly call it a scam. With no evidence or proof of how this product works and with a $100 price tag, Sam is right to call it out. I truly hope purchasers of this product find the pain relief they are looking for but if it doesn’t, be sure to look out for my Magic Wand that is 92% effective due to its mystical powers and priced at an incredibly reasonable $299 coming to all good retailers soon.


Masking pain is NOT the answer. Removing the underlying cause is the solution. If I mask the back pain I have and do something to really mess up a vertebrate, I might not feel it an become a paraplegic (L5 – S1 disk is gone, bone on bone, nerves affected).


Thank you for saving me almost $200. I suffer from chronic, every day, all over body pain thanks to an autoimmune disorder. I have wasted a lot of money over the years trying to find anything that will reduce my almost constant level 7-9 pain even a little bit without the use of narcotics.
Between your article and horrible Amazon reviews, I was convinced not to waste my money on this claim.
I am also allergic to adhesives and would have gladly suffered from the rash and itchiness to relieve my pain.
But I am also a skeptic at heart and I look for reasons to buy or not to buy a product with hard to believe claims.
I read through many of the comments on here and frankly became offended by the comments from ‘J’ who all but called consumers uneducated idiots. I may not be a scientist but that doesn’t mean I cannot understand some scientific information. I had no problem keeping up with the physicist when she began explaining in very scientific terms what she would be doing when she was mapping out my internal radiation treatments for my cancer 5 years ago. So I don’t think a little more information on how exactly Kailo or similar technology works is going to blow my mind.
What I did get from your comments is that your English and grammar are atrocious which makes it hard for me to believe you would understand the scientific information you claim to have access to but yet refuse to provide.
If you work for a company with the same kind of technology then why are you not willing to provide the proof it works and the studies on your own brand in order to pull people away from Kailo and to the product you work for and claim works the same?
My guess is that you work for Kailo and are claiming you don’t. But you decided to come here and give vague information on a nonexistent competitive brand in order to push people into believing an unproven and frankly poorly reviewed piece of junk.
Yes, there are plenty of desperate people who fall for buying into junk like this. But there are more consumers like myself who want to know the how, the why, the way….the science behind the claim.
And this consumer does not have a college education. You don’t always have to have one to be knowledgeable enough to make an educated decision.
My advice is… In the future don’t assume all consumers are so gullible and don’t ever assume we don’t deserve to know more than just stick it on and leave it, it will work eventually.
There are too many unanswered questions about the so-called miracle pain relief. I think I will just sit back and wait for the class action if they keep ignoring customers.


What I did get from your comments[…]

I’m assuming that you’re referring to Jay’s comment here, not to my article.


A college student here. I do think it’s all bogus too, but unfortunately we as a class had a vote and this was chosen for the project that all our classmates will work on together for this whole semester. We were told we have to write a marketing plan for this product “assuming” this product actually works… which I really am not motivated about, I do think this is highly likely to be a scam. I have bad disc hernia pain, and almost thought about getting myself one even if it’s a scam…. but at $119, no will do. Anyways, your information about them moving platforms + youtube video views helps a lot, thanks.

To be honest, I don’t think actual customers of their product, even the ones that had this pain relieving effects happen to them, would really have no reason to try to debunk your blog post. Isn’t normal reaction would be like, “it worked for me, so i dunno… why don’t you try one?” but I see some people are going like “hey why u trying to attack Kalio man…. your logic sucks…. i work in this kind of field….” which I highly doubt are the reactions from actual customers. Just saying.

Thanks for exposing this questionable device. I have back pain and almost fell for the marketing pitch. I am skeptical by nature and glad I searched for reviews on this device. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for your review. There is nothing worse than getting people hopeful for even a partial cure and letting them down when they have very real pain.

If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Lets face it folks, since the internet popped up the number of Snake Oil salespersons has multiplied exponentially. Ask the founders to explain the SCIENCE behind the product, and how it interfaces with the cellular structures and neurons and ganglions to communicate whatever it is that is being communicated.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and discovery. Wish this is more widely shared on the internet as I was also about to buy one for trial.

Thank you for opening my eyes, and making me think twice about this one! Especially because anything I spend is half again more expensive, as I am Canadian, and we already get “ripped off” enough with the exchange rate being what it is. When I first looked at this Kailo, I thought “Oh, at last”, and was ALMOST ready, and desperate enough to give it a try.

Hi Gail, I’m glad it was helpful, I really am sorry though to be the bearer of bad news in this case! Hope you can find another option that works more effectively.

The proof is up to Kailo to prove it right and to answer all of their past customers and possible future customers the answers they are looking for. Tit for Tat will get you no where unless you have all the available technology to prove either way and even then if you prove it against Kailo to be a hoax they will try to disprove you! It needs to come from Kailo and done by a company with double blind research. And posted by that research company so Kailo cannot post it on line if the findings are not pro-Kailo. So until then sit back and read your comments and as always, let the buyer beware!

Kailo Pain Relief

Your first argument against the so-called ‘bogus’ claims for the way the kailo patch functions is flawed.
You claim, “for any device to have any effect on the body’s electrical system, it must be touching the body.” Then you ask, “Kailo does not require contact with the skin, so how can it interact with the body’s electrical system?”

The answer is in the fact that the body both radiates and absorbs through its skin various kinds of energy, which it exchanges with its surroundings through radiation, without necessarily touching the body. For example, the body radiates infrasonic, biomagnetic, kirlian and infrared energies, to name a few. The kailo patch apparenty can react with this energy without making contact with the skin. This of course invalidates your first argument, and brings others of your assumptions into question.

The kailo patch, like many remedies, obviousy works for many people, but not for everyone. The causes for this must be more than just the “placebo effect”. Actually, it is not difficult to understand the reason for this variation in effect, when you take into consideration the fact that everyone’s body chemistry is rather unique, based on their blood-type, DNA, ph factor, gut microbiomes, etc., and all these are even affected by such things as the states of heath and changes in diet.

In fact, when considering all of those factors, without the careful screening of the participants, having these several variations in mind, the accuracy of the results, even the reliability, of double blind studies must be brought into question. What most of you do not realize is that, in this corrupt society, the results of so-called scientific research are often for sale to the highest bidder. Its another application of that old maxim of reality…he who has the gold makes the rules.


I love that the only article you posted was about clinical fraud (which is real, and does happen — agreed) because nothing else you’ve said is true. There’s no such thing as Kirlian energy, and none of the other energies are relevant when talking about electrical energy. We typically call your kind of therapy “alternative medicine” because we like to be respectful… calling it “wacky woo-woo therapy” would hardly be as charitable. To all of those reading comments, who believe in homeopathy, magnet therapy, chakra, and … Kirlian energy, yes, you should try Kailo, you might find it works for you (cough cough placebo). To everyone else who thinks that science, while being flawed, is not entirely useless, I recommend to not waste your time, unless Kailo decides to publish the evidence and studies they told me they completed.


Yikes Sam, I didn’t realize you were so far behind in your knowedge of ‘forbidden’ supressed science.

Everything I have said is true. Don’t embarrass yourself by disagreeing with me. Instead do some in-depth research, instead of the superficial stuff upon which you seem to rely.

The proof of kirlian energy is the recorded photographs of its existence, and that’s probably about all that has been currently released regarding it, but I haven’t been doing much research on it lately. Heres a relevant website that documents some serious scientific research…

I’ll bet you are so far behind the times as to scientific reality, that you are also a non-believer in such proven issues as cold fusion and biological transmutations. Have fun debunking them with your light-minded research, as I will thereafter step in and supply you with documented proof of their reality and their cover-up.

You said, “… none of the other energies are relevant when talking about electrical energy.” I suppose you are also unaware of (and therefore lack understanding of) energy conversion which is a constant reality, and a necessity to sustain life, though often not identified.

I wrote, “The kailo patch apparently can react with this energy…” without trying to further explain the process, but this website will give you a clue as to the reality of the natural transformation of energy from one form to another…

You said, “We typically call your kind of therapy “alternative medicine” because we like to be respectful… calling it “wacky woo-woo therapy” would hardly be as charitable.

Yes, but it would be far more charitable for all of you believers in the AMA, and the drug-pushing medical establishment, to learn, and admit that their ‘doctors’ kill more than they cure…

In fact, any AMA doctor can tell you that they are not trained to cure disease, but merely to treat the symptoms using drugs. However the only thing that can cure is a strong immune system itself, and most AMA medications disable the immune system.

The fact is that the AMA medical schools are funded by the pharmaceutical industry to teach doctors to depend on drugs to treat symptoms instead of trying to promote healing through natural means, because a cured patient is a lost drug customer.

For these many reasons anyone with reasonable intelligence will seek the guidance of the “wacky woo-woo therapy” Naturopaths and Holistic healers rather than depending on the AMA trained drug pushers.

So anyone putting their trust in the so-called MDs ought to think twice, as these medical ‘Professionals’ kill many hundreds of thousands of people each year, through their experimental procedures, malpractice and just plain mistakes, many of which they hide from everyone.

Currently, they are credited as the third leading cause of deaths in the U. S., but this is only through the errors to which they’ll admit.

But in reality, if all things were considered, perhaps they are already in second, or even first place as the leading ‘well-paid’ assassins of the people.


Dear Patric,

You presume much about my experiences and my beliefs.

I agree with many of the points you make. Treating symptoms is the BEST way to ensure that you have a customer who will need your medication for life. I too am very skeptical that big pharma has our best interests at heart….

I always strive to maintain an open mind. I am all too aware of just how difficult it is for old theories to be replaced once they have been adopted as “truth” in the mainstream – the concept of “paradigm shifts” (e.g. see Thomas Kuhn) is poorly recognised as a major flaw in the way science operates. An easy example would be the food pyramid, which is today broadly accepted as fundamentally flawed and based on unscientific manipulated evidence, yet continues to be promoted as gospel. There is so much that we continue to learn about, like the gut microbiome, and the psychosomatic connections between our physical and mental health.

I don’t mock your beliefs lightly, but I think encouraging patients to “just believe” in a system that rejects evidence based medicine is simply ludicrous – throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The model of our modern medical system is certainly flawed imperfect, but it is not so useless that it deserves to just be discarded so casually. Your advice that Natropaths and crystal therapy are the only alternative to an AMA accredited doctor is an unwise and reflexive response to the problems in our medical system.

In my eyes, the kind of desperation that causes someone to buy an unproven Kailo pad, is just like the doctor who is so desperate to help a patient that they prescribe highly ineffective drugs, that in reality only serve to increase their patients pill burden, and further add to their side effects. Even so, I also do not believe that our doctors are all intrinsically corrupt. But instead, perhaps many of them are also victims who have been misled (like Kailo buyers) or mis-trained within a deeply flawed system. The existence of highly critical medical reviews like the ones you reference give me hope – that people do care, and do want to improve their discipline to truly benefit society through the gift of medical science.

At the end of the day, their creed gives me a strong hope for the future of medicine: Primum non nocere – first, do no harm.


P.S Also, FYI – I trained as a chemical engineer. I know all about energy conversions, thermodynamics, entropy, and I’ve also studied a little in quantum mechanics. I stand by what I said. The energy conversion mechanism proposed by Kailo is beyond laughable.

P.P.S As for Biological transmutations? Kirlian energy? I challenge you to show us all here a shred of credible evidence on those topics. Yes, you can turn lead into gold. No, I can’t do it for you as I am not a nuclear physicist.


Thank you for patiently trying to explain the concept of falsifiability to people, and patiently reminding folks that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not personal anecdotes that are literally the lowest and least relevant form of “data” in the evidence hierarchy. Therapeutic modalities work through testable means and have potential side effects that must be disclosed. I’m with you–we’re lucky this is SO bogus because if it did any of the things it claimed it would be a weapon that would have stopped the hearts of half of the people randomly pasting it on various body parts.

Sadly, the way things stand there are far worse things being peddled, especially to young people, making far greater claims based on far less evidence, and doing actual harm in the process.

So we need people who have the patience to spread understand about the hierarchy of evidence, placebo, and falsifiability.

Wishing you well.

Thank you @QuestionPDX.

I’m very grateful for some of the studies I did at university studying the history and philosophy of science. Gave me a good grounding for understanding “how” and “why” our scientific model came to be, as well a better understanding of both its’ strengths and weaknesses that we should be aware of. I think understanding falsifiability is very confusing for many people at first, but is also so critical when seeking to elucidate truth.

I appreciate the skepticism of the science – though it seems odd to not at least try the product you are trashing first. But for something like this to work it seems a couple of things could be blended to impact pain. There is a scientific theory that the skin is part of the brain. It seems possible, that if you innovate RFID technology that attaches to the skin and is somehow able to send a message to pain receptors that it might be possible for something like this to work. One, RFID’s can send and receive signals and don’t require a power source.

A typical RFID tag has two elements: an antenna for backscattering radio frequency signals, and an RFID chip that stores the tag’s information, such as the specific product that the tag is affixed to. RFID tags don’t require batteries; they receive energy in the form of radio waves emitted by an RFID reader. When an RFID tag picks up this energy, its antenna activates the RFID chip, which tweaks the radio waves and sends a signal back to the reader, with its information encoded within the waves.


1. This article was just a review of their claims from a scientific plausibility perspective.

2. I have tried it and it doesn’t work.

3. I’m aware of RFID tag technology – the host device supplies the tag with energy to operate, whereas our skin does not radiate anywhere near the same amount of power. Our nerve signals are incredibly weak.

Samuel, if you try it without being in any pain how is it going to work? You’re beginning to corner yourself.


Samuel, if you try it without being in any pain yourself how is it going to work? You’re beginning to corner yourself.


I wasn’t suggesting that the RFID was picking up power from our skin. I was suggesting that it might potentially be powered by radio frequencies in our surroundings and then sending signals (perhaps similar to a TENS) through the skin. It would of course have varied effectiveness based on placement on the skin if that were the case.

I haven’t tried it. I was interested in the idea of something that looked at addressing pain differently.

Thank you for this article. I also just saw an infomercial on Youtube for this product and thought – this has to be a scam, it makes no sense. But that little something in the back of my head was curious because I regularly have issues with pain. NanoCapacitors – seriously, that’s what they were saying. If those somehow could help with pain, then I’d be rubbing my iPhone and smartwatch all over my body. Ugh.


Thanks Aineliene. I think the product deserves to be closely examined, at which point the lack of evidence is patently clear. It’s certainly unfortunate for anyone living with pain looking for relief.

We all know what they say about quack doctors:
“If he promotes the treatment/product like a quack, mentions clinical trials like a quack, and promises the world like a quack, then he probably IS a quack.”

So, each one of you out there: Close you wallet and quickly run away…far, far away!

it’s lonely work being a skeptic , but the world’s better off for it. so thank you. I’m still laughing at the “no basis for a placebo effect” guy who had spent thousands on miracle cures that eventually let him down. he is the placebo effect personified.
also, just a friendly correction: you may want to check your spelling for “susceptible”. it’s pretty egregious : )
good stuff, nonetheless

To all of you that say it works and want him to try it, how about you send him one? I mean if you believe it so much and stand behind your results pay for it and if it dont work you can get that refund your talking about. Help your fellow man get relief.

Disclaimer – I am a new nCAP distributor in Canada

(snake oil for sure) – Want who to try it?

Do you mean the other poster “Cliff” who asked for me to send one for free to him? I was considering it when I discovered his other post saying he wouldn’t want anything on his body that would totally block the pain. There was no point sending him one to test after reading that.

Did you mean Sam? He has already tried it (not sure if he followed the instructions on finding the sweet spot though or just slapped it on and hoped for the best).

As far as the refund goes, if you mean Kailo then they only offer a 14 day refund period so that wouldn’t work. Also how do I get my money back from the person I sent it to if they decide to keep it. That’s why you offer a money back guarantee so the merchant is covered if it is not returned.

Send it to the author of the article. Why would it be sent to anyone else? The arthor is the one saying its snake oil. Which I totally agree. You dont gave to be a genius to know this is total bullshit. It’s a plastic card with some metal particles attached to it. This product pray off of people that dont know much about science and how stuff works. I’m not going to argue with anyone over this or that. Its bullshit and that’s it. If someone thinks differently good for them. If they want to convince the arthor it works send him one. If you dont get it back or a refund chalk it up to helping your fellow man.


Disclaimer – I am a new nCAP distributor in Canada

(Snake oil for sure) – Uhmmm… Sam is the author of the article, and as I mentioned already, he has already tested one although not sure if instructions were followed or not….

You also nailed it (and made it as simple as you could possibly make it) when you described the Kailo patch as being plastic with metal and other particles on it.

I have no interest in changing minds or arguing with truculent people like you who are so set in their ways and have blinders on to what might be possible but not just fully understood yet.

As far as the author ( in case you have forgotten already – it’s Sam) goes I have already promised him the results of a recognized clinical double blind study when it is finished in a few months. This is regardless of it having good or bad results.


You miss quote me. I didnt say “plastic with metal AND OTHER PARTICLES ON IT”. I said plastic with metal particles on it. And dont even try to pretend you have a higher power of thought than anyone else because of a slip of plastic with metal particles on it. You dont have a clue as to what I do for a living or my knowledge in this matter. Maybe I’m a nuclear scientist or maybe I do reverse engineering of things that fall out of the sky? Who knows? The United States needs to not allow this type of fraud perpetrated against anyone. So maybe someone needs to start a petition for the government to look into it. Instead of making a lawsuit?
Anyone that wants to get the ball going:
Or maybe someone does want to start a class action lawsuit and watch them burn to the ground? Make sure to write down the names of the people supporting this device because they are most likely either stockholders or are the originators of this BS.
Who’s up for a good ol class action campfire? Those stock holders are going to be mad! Let it burn.


Disclaimer – I am a new nCAP distributor in Canada

This reply is for the comment below that for some reason is missing the “reply” button.

(Snake oil for sure) – What happened to “I’m not going to argue with anyone over this or that” mmmm….

I take responsibility for adding “and other particles on it” but in the same breath I defend doing that because I am making sure that people know it is more than just metal and plastic. Unless you have opened one up and scanned it or seen the manufacturing process and materials used you are only guessing. Sam attempted to scan one but was limited in his ability to open it up as he wanted to make sure he would be able to get a refund when he returned it.

Higher power? Not sure where that came from. As far as I know I have all the SAME super powers that every human alive has. Some use them and some don’t. I am willing to change my mind if proven wrong (so far there has been no proof one way or the other). I find it difficult to believe that anything could change your mind based on your most recent post/argument.

You are correct in that I have no idea what you do for a living but in the same breath….who cares….

Anyone who has knowledge in this matter and is participating in the discussions on here would be like Sam and try to explain why they think the product works or doesn’t work. You on the other hand show immense hatred towards this product and offer nothing constructive to the conversation.

Lawsuit? Petition? Reread my last line above as it is appropriate here as well.

I think there are much bigger things and more important things for your government to be worried about than this. I can only hope that you are as passionate about other issues (homelessness, poverty, pollution, etc…) as you are about this issue.

From Kailo:
“Kailo interacts with the body’s electrical system“.

Your response:
“All electrical systems need to have a conductive pathway to work – this means that for any device to have any effect on the body’s electrical system, it must be touching the body. Kailo does not require contact with the skin, so how can it interact with the body’s electrical system?

Secondly, for any device to operate, it requires a power source…”

You sound like you know nothing about electricity although I’m sure you do. You do know that electrical currents have an electromagnetic field right? You do know that magnets can interfere with an electrical system right? You must also know that magnets have no power source such as a battery solar panel, etc. ?
Kailo does not use magnets, this was just an example to point out your scientifically and factually false statements.
It sounds like you slap the Placebo Effect label on anything that can’t be readily explained which is a bit lazy. The Placebo Effect by the way would be attributed to electrical impulses from the brain when no other valid substance, device or treatment can be attributed to an experienced benefit would it not?
I would suggest to research (including ability to claim refund if product doesn’t work) and try Kailo at one own’s risk. Get a refund if it doesn’t work for you.


G’day Mark – yes, I do understand electromagnetism – thankfully I passed my high-school physics subject with flying colours, I was actually listed in the local newspaper because of my grade! I deliberately avoided this discussion because the further you dig the more fanciful the claims become.

Firstly, the technology mentioned in the patent by nCAP is all about antenna technology, being able to print high performance antennas onto flexible substrates (which has been around since 2001). Anthony Sutera explains this tech in a youtube video from a few years back. In that video he makes some wild fanciful claims that their antenna technology enables vast improvements in signal range. As you would be aware, we can apply the inverse square law to determine the gain advantage that their antenna tech offers, and the numbers are all over the place. Please watch his video and then tell me what you make of it.

I presume you are suggesting that Kailo is thus able to operate via electromagnetism? Sure, an interesting idea. You are likely aware of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). This typically operates with local magnetic fields similar to that in an MRI. If you have a theory of how you could achieve fields of that strength without violating the laws of thermodynamics, I’m all ears. No matter how you slice it, it doesn’t pass the sniff test.

For the sake of completeness, regardless of the dubious claims, I personally purchased and spent several days trying out Kailo with myself and others. I was unable to achieve a reduction in pain by any user using their product. I am yet to receive a refund.

Edit (6th march): I got a refund from Amazon for my Kailo after returning it. Still don’t recommend it obviously!

Yes, I’ll agree with you that it is lazy to just call something a placebo. However, burden of proof to show anything falls on Kailo’s shoulders, not mine.
